Annette Lee, PhD, LMHC, CST

I’m not your typical mental health counselor.  For many years, I worked various jobs in different office settings.  I was miserable, but I didn’t really know it.  I had fallen into a rut and took things for granted.  Deep inside, I knew I wasn’t reaching my full potential and that there had to be something more to life, but I was ignoring my truth.  The problem was, I had no idea what that “something” was.  What I did notice was that over the years, I was told time and time again that I am a good listener and I tended to be the friend who everyone brought their problems to.  I’ve always had an interest in what and why people do what they do and I’ve always been compassionate towards others.  One day I heard about the Mental Health Counseling program at St. John Fisher College and my personal beacon of hope was turned on.  I had found my calling and I began to chase my dreams toward a living life with my full potential.

Over the last several years, I have worked in a variety of settings including outpatient mental health and substance abuse clinics, insurance companies, and at a local college.  This has allowed me the wonderful experience of working with countless clients suffering from varying degrees of mental illness.  My clients regularly tell me things like “you’re easy to talk to,”  “you ask me hard questions that make me think,” and “you’ve really helped me.”  While the accolades are great, I never forget that it is the client who is doing the hard work.  Click here to see more of what my clients are saying about me.

When I’m not working, I love being outside (kayaking, hiking, gardening, and just sitting outside with a glass of wine and some good music are my favorite things to do outside!), traveling, snuggling with my dog, antiquing/thrifting, and cooking.