Welcome to Beacon Mental Health Counseling Services

We are glad you’re here!

Whether you clicked here by referral, curiosity, or web search, we are glad you found us. By doing so, you have taken the first (and hardest) step towards living a happier and healthier life – whatever that looks like for you!

To the outside world, it might appear that everything is going well in your life – and maybe it is – but despite appearances, you can’t shake the feeling of sadness or anxiety.   Something isn’t quite right.

But those outward appearances can make it hard to talk to your friends or family about how you are feeling.    And they can make it hard for you to have hope that things can change.

Well, we believe they can.   We believe we can help you get to the root of what is going on and make the changes you need to in order to live that life you deserve.

We offer both in person and virtual therapy, meaning we can work with clients all over New York State via a secure HIPAA compliant platform.  Our clients love this because they get to join session from the comfort of their home, office, or wherever is safe and accessilbe for them without having to take extra time to drive back and forth to appointments.   

We offer several options for treatment.  Clients can choose between individual, couples, family, or group therapy sessions.  If you aren’t sure which service best meets your needs, we can figure it out together.

Call or email today and let’s take that next step together.